13 May 2014

Wedding Pictures

We were sent some photos from Ben's cousin's wedding so I thought I would post some :) This first one is of all the family that came to the wedding and the wedding lunch.

Why yes I am drinking orange juice out of a fancy glass.

Here are Ben and I before the ceremony. Fun!

Here is a photo of all the "youth" at the wedding. Is is Ben and me (left...obviously) next to Sandra's siblings. Then Dani and Sandra are in the middle, then right of them are more of Sandra's siblings, followed by Ben's cousin and Dani's sister Katrin, and her boyfriend Andre. Aww..

Here is a photo that was taken in-between courses at lunch. There was a LOT of food. And I mean a lot.

And finally, here is a photo of everyone right after Dani and Sanrda got married. We are standing on the steps of the Rathaus. Which is the equivalent of the city and country building...but nicer.

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