03 July 2016

Florence: Part One

Last month my brother Adam came to visit for 10 days, and we decided to go off on a mini adventure while he was in Europe. It so happened that his roommate was going to be in Italy so we decided to head over and meet up with him in Tuscany. Our first stop was Florence. The history of this city is impressive, the art work is stunning, and the food is delicious. 
The Arno.

Fountain of Neptune. 
Reproduction of Michaelangelos David and Brandinelli's Hercules and Cacus  
Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus
Uffizi Gallery

Firenze Duomo
Our friend Enrico
The baptistry, facade, dome, and tower of the Florence Cathedral.
It rained every day we were there, but only for short spells, and it was still warm enough to lots of gelato.

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