18 February 2016

Brussels + Ghent

This is part 2 of our Belgium trip we took in the beginning of December. One of our top priorities in Brussels was visiting Euro Parliament. I am so glad we did, it was so interesting. We really enjoyed touring the buildings and their museum was so fascinating. We spent hours walking though and reading each exhibit. Pictured below is one of the many parliament buildings. As we were there right after the terrorist attacks in Paris security was really tight, but also there were not a lot of tourists. On our tour of the inside of the parliament building there were only two other people in our group. 

14 February 2016


Last week Ben and I took a weekend trip to Edinburgh. I did a lot of research into things to do and see but there was one small factor I didn't take into account. We had no idea that the England v Scotland 6 nations rugby match was also the same weekend. Apparently this rugby tournament is (and I quote a colleague) 'The super bowl of rugby'. So things got a bit crowded, and the weather wasn't cooperating for part of the trip, but we still managed to have a memorable time.