04 July 2015

Burger Fest

Upon arrival at Burger Fest we were give a brochure with coupons for trying 5 different burgers. 

Burger Craft : This burger was delicious, and probably my favorite. It was a patty smothered in melted cheddar cheese with smokey BBQ sauce, lettuce and a tomato. The brioche bun was excellent and over all it made me want to go to Burger Craft and try the normal size version. 

Wild Game Co. : This was voted the #1 burger of Burger Fest and the burger is called The Veni Moo. It is a beef and venison patty toped with bresaola, bearnaise sauce and onions jam. The meat was delicious and the bun was also very very good, but I was not the biggest fan of the sauces. But all in all a delicious burger. 

Dip n Flip: You may be asking yourself 'Why are there there blue gloves in this picture', and that is a very valid question. You see at Dip n Flip, after the burgers were made they smothered them with French gravy. Yup. This was the Green Chili Cheeseburger, and it was pretty darn good. The gloves were there to keep our hands clean while eating this messy goodness. At their actual restaurant you get the gravy on the side and dip the burger as you would a french dip sandwich. 

Hotbox: The Smokey Bandit burger was delicious. It is a shortrib patty with jalapenos, redcheddar, pickles, and some sort of pesto like sauce on top. I tried eating the jalapenos but it was more pain than pleasure, so I took them off and enjoyed the burger much much more. 

Here is our view as we sat eating burger after burger after burger. 

The verdict: although I did have my favorite (here is me eating another one of them) All the burgers were delicious, and these are all burger places that should be tried if you are into eating burgers. 

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